Undersøgelser som ‘Nydanskere i nyhedsbilledet’ (2012) og ‘Dem vi taler om’ (2016) har tidligere vist, at etniske minoriteter både er groft underrepræsenteret i nyhedsbilledet, og at de oftest bruges som kilder i historier om integration, kriminalitet og islam. Men hvordan ser det ud med den danske debat, når etniske minoriteter selv sidder bag tasterne? Farhiya Khalid vil i sit oplæg til Aftenskolen på onsdag, tage udgangspunkt i sit speciale: “Er integration det eneste, jeg må tale om? En undersøgelse af ikke-vestlige medierepræsentationer i danske debatsektioner”. Her undersøger Farhiya Khalid etniske minoriteters bidrag til den offentlige debat og gransker de (få) tilgængelige udsigelsespositioner denne samfundsgruppe ofte må navigere i.

Specialets abstract opsumerer hendes undersøgelse således:

In 2012 and 2017 respectively the research reports Nydanskere i nyhedsbilledet and “Dem vi taler om” showed that ethnic minorities were heavily underrepresented as sources in Danish domestic news. These reports also showed that ethnic minorities were often kept in socalled ‘news reservations’ – most often to be used as sources on integration, immigration, religion and crime. But to what extent is this also the case when ethnic minorities are at the helm as contributors of opinion pieces? This master’s thesis is based on a content analysis of approx. 15.000 opinion editorials published during the first quarter of 2018 in five Danish daily newspapers and their websites – in order to examine the quantitative and qualitative representations of ethnic minorities in the Danish public debate. The thesis concludes that only 0.6% of the opinion editorials were written by non-westerners although this group makes up 8.5 % of the Danish population. Subsequently, the thesis shows that the main themes of the editorials submitted by non-westerners were on topics about integration, immigration and religion – creating ‘debate reservations’ and contributing to an ethnicized debate. Lastly, this thesis analyzes and discusses selected non-western opinion pieces through a framing analysis utilizing two generic frames: minority-attack-frame and minority-defense-frame. These frames are established on the basis of the concept of the culturalization of otherwise social, economic and political issues that media scholar Ferruh Yilmaz (2016) among others has put forward, and which this study shows highly shapes the participation of ethnic minorities in the Danish public debate.

Oplægsholder: Farhiya Khalid

Eventtitel: Er integration det eneste, jeg må tale om?

Tidspunkt: 18. December 2019, 19:00 – 21:00

Sted: KKT – Kommunal Kunst og Teknik – Blågårds Plads 3, 3. etage, 2200 København N

Facebook-event URL: https://www.facebook.com/events/813234435784244


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